To promote the free exchange of ideas in the local user experience community, Boston IxDA is temporarily changing the format of our social events. Whereas we would normally meet up to wax poetic about IxD at a local pub, we will be now hosting focused Design discussions on the backdrop of a User Experience book club in a more fitting venue.
The first event in the series will have Joshua Porter discussing his book Designing for the Social Web Josh will be giving a talk about the book and hosting a Q&A session with a little twist. Watch this space for more details!
When: Thursday April 23rd at 7pm
Where: Trident bookstore on Newbury St, Boston.
The Logistics:
We have a great list of authors lined up for future events, however, that is only half of the new format. We've had a few inquiries about the possibility of sharing or swapping UX Books. We've put together a framework that will enable people to connect and meet this goal. Here's how it works; First you list the books you are willing to share on, and tag them with ixda_boston_bookclub. Give us your librarything url and we'll share it with the community. People can then parse the list of book sharers and then contact them via email.
There is no requirement to sign up to this but if you are interested, please follow these steps:
- (optional) Create a catalog of books on the free service
- Become a Boston IxDA book club member by signing up
- To view a list of members and to explore the books available, check out the
- Interested in borrowing a book? Contact the owner and meet them at the event or arrange a separate time.
Note: It is up to book owners to track who they lend books to.
We would like to thank Eva Kaniasty for first suggesting this and taking on the task of organizing the first event. In the future, we aim to make this a self-organizing social where members can connect, share, and propose topics for the book club.
Thank you, and we are looking forward to seeing you on the 23rd of April!